













  • 電子会計書類
  • 会計書類の作成および保管に関する規定
  • 会計書類の管理および使用に関する規定


第17条: 電子会計書類に関する規定

  1. 電子会計書類の定義

    • 電子会計書類は、第16条に基づき必要な内容を満たした会計書類で、電子データ形式で表現され、転送中に変更されないよう符号化されたものを指します。
    • 磁気テープ、磁気ディスク、支払カードなどの情報キャリアで保存されます。
  2. 安全性と管理

    • 電子書類は、データや情報の安全性を確保し、不正な利用や侵入を防ぐ必要があります。
    • 作成、送信、受信時の原本形式で管理され、適切な機器が必要です。
  3. 紙書類との相互変換

    • 紙書類を電子書類に変換する場合、またはその逆の場合、電子書類は経済取引および財務取引の実行に有効です。
    • 紙書類は記録および監査目的でのみ使用され、取引や支払いには無効です。

第18条: 会計書類の作成および保管に関する規定

  1. 作成の基本ルール

    • 経済・財務取引が発生した場合、必ず会計書類を1回だけ作成する必要があります。
    • 書類は、明確、完全、迅速、かつ正確に作成されなければなりません。
  2. 作成時の注意点

    • 内容は略記、削除、修正が禁止されています。
    • 記入にはインクペンを使用し、空白部分は線で消す必要があります。削除や修正された書類は無効です。
    • 必要部数が指定されている場合、全てのコピー内容が一致している必要があります。
  3. 電子会計書類

    • 電子書類は紙に印刷して保管するか、電子媒体に保存し、データの安全性と検索可能性を確保する必要があります。

第21条: 会計書類の管理および使用に関する規定

  1. 会計記録の基礎

    • 会計書類の情報とデータは、会計記録の基礎として使用されます。
  2. 整理と保管

    • 会計書類は、経済内容に基づき時系列で整理され、安全に保管されなければなりません。
  3. 国家機関の権限

    • 会計書類を一時差押え、没収、または封印する権限を持つのは、適格な国家機関のみです。
    • 差押えや没収の場合、理由と数量を記録し、コピーを返却しなければなりません。
  4. 封印時の対応

    • 封印された書類には、理由と数量を記録した文書を作成し、署名と押印を行う必要があります。

Article 17. Electronic documents

1. Electronic documents are considered accounting documents when they have the contents specified in Article 16 of this Law and are expressed in the form of electronic data, encoded without being changed during transmission via computer networks, telecommunications networks or on information carriers such as magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, and payment cards.

2. Electronic documents must ensure the security and preservation of data and information during use and storage; must be managed and checked against any forms of exploitation, intrusion, copying, theft or use of electronic documents in violation of regulations. Electronic documents are managed as accounting documents in the original form in which they were created, sent or received, but must have adequate equipment for use.

3. When paper documents are converted into electronic documents for transactions and payments or vice versa, electronic documents are valid for performing economic and financial transactions. Paper documents are only valid for keeping records, monitoring and checking, and are not valid for transactions and payments.

Article 18. Preparation and storage of accounting documents

1. Economic and financial transactions arising in relation to the activities of the accounting unit must have accounting documents prepared. Accounting documents must only be prepared once for each economic and financial transaction.

2. Accounting documents must be prepared clearly, completely, promptly, and accurately according to the content specified on the form. In cases where there is no form for accounting documents, the accounting unit may prepare accounting documents on its own but must ensure that all the contents specified in Article 16 of this Law are fully met .

3. The economic and financial contents of accounting documents must not be abbreviated, erased or corrected; when writing, it must be written with a pen, numbers and letters must be written continuously, without interruption, and blank spaces must be crossed out. Documents that have been erased or corrected are not valid for payment or accounting entries. When an accounting document is written incorrectly, it must be canceled by crossing out the incorrect document.

4. Accounting documents must be prepared in the prescribed number of copies. In case multiple copies of accounting documents must be prepared for an economic or financial transaction, the contents of the copies must be the same.

5. The preparer, approver and other persons signing the accounting vouchers shall be responsible for the content of the accounting vouchers.

6. Accounting documents prepared in the form of electronic documents must comply with the provisions of Article 17 , Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article. Electronic documents must be printed on paper and stored in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 of this Law . In cases where they are not printed on paper but stored on electronic media, the safety and confidentiality of data information must be ensured and must be searchable within the storage period.

Article 21. Management and use of accounting documents

1. Information and data on accounting documents are the basis for accounting entries.

2. Accounting documents must be arranged according to economic content, in chronological order and safely preserved according to the provisions of law.

3. Only competent state agencies have the right to temporarily detain, confiscate or seal accounting documents. In case of temporary detention or confiscation of accounting documents, the competent state agency must make copies of the temporarily detained or confiscated documents, sign the confirmation on the copies and deliver the copies to the accounting unit; at the same time, make a record stating clearly the reason, quantity of each type of accounting documents temporarily detained or confiscated and sign and seal.

4. The competent authority that seals accounting documents must make a record, clearly stating the reason, quantity of each type of accounting document sealed, and sign and stamp it.

