



  • 給与、ボーナス、事業活動の利益
  • 共通の相続や贈与で得た財産
  • その他の合法的な収入



Article 33. Common property of husband and wife

1. Common property of husband and wife includes property created by a spouse, incomes generated from labor, production and business activities, yields and profits arising from separate property and other lawful incomes in the marriage period; except the case prescribed in Clause 1, Article 40 of this Law; property jointly inherited by or given to both, and other property agreed upon by husband and wife as common property.

The land use rights obtained by a spouse after marriage shall be common property of husband and wife, unless they are separately inherited by, or given to a spouse or are obtained through transactions made with separate property.

2. Common property of husband and wife shall be under integrated common ownership and used to meet family needs and perform common obligations of husband and wife.

3. When exists no ground to prove that a property in dispute between husband and wife is his/her separate property, such property shall be regarded as common property.








  • 原則として、共有財産は半分ずつ分ける。ただし、夫婦の状況や貢献度によって調整されることもあります。
  • 夫の不倫は「夫婦間の義務違反」として扱われるため、妻が不利になることはありません。
  • 財産は可能であれば現物で分けますが、それが難しい場合は金銭に換算して分けられます。



内容– 何が共有財産で、何が個別財産に該当するかの定義。
– 財産をどのように分割するかの原則と基準を示す。
対象財産– 共有財産と個別財産の違いを明確にする。
– 主に共有財産の分割について規定。個別財産は分割対象外。
具体的な規定– 共有財産には婚姻中の収入や利益が含まれる。
– 分割割合や形式(現物・金銭)の詳細を規定。




Article 59. Principles of settlement of property of husband and wife upon divorce

1. The settlement of property shall be agreed upon by the concerned parties in case of applying the statutory matrimonial property regime. If they fail to reach agreement thereon, at the request of a spouse or both, a court shall settle it according to Clauses 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article and Articles 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of this Law.

In case of applying the agreed matrimonial property regime, the settlement of property upon divorce must comply with such agreement. In case the agreement is insufficient or unclear, the settlement must comply with corresponding provisions of Clauses 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article and Articles 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of this Law.

2. Common property shall be divided into two, taking into account the following factors:

  • a/ Circumstances of the family, husband and wife;
  • b/ Each spouse’s contributions to the creation, maintenance and development of common property. The housework done in the family by a spouse shall be regarded as income-generating labor;
  • c/ Protecting the legitimate interests of each spouse in their production, business and career activities to create conditions for them to continue working to generate incomes;
  • d/ Each spouse’s faults in the infringement of spousal rights and obligations.

3. Common property of husband and wife shall be divided in kind, if impossible to be divided in kind, common property shall be divided based on its value. The partner who receives the property in kind with a value bigger than the portion he/she is entitled to receive shall pay the value difference to the other.

4. Separate property of a spouse shall be under his/her ownership, except for separate property already merged into common property in accordance with this Law.

A spouse who requests division of separate property which has been merged into or mixed with common property shall be paid for the value of his/her property contributed to common property, unless otherwise agreed by husband and wife.

5. The lawful rights and interests of the wife, minor children or adult children who have lost their civil act capacity or have no working capacity and no property to support themselves shall be protected.

6. The Supreme People’s Court shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Supreme People’s Procuracy and the Ministry of Justice in, guiding this Article.



  1. 証拠を集める

    • 家や贈り物の購入に使われた夫の給与明細や銀行の取引記録を揃えましょう。
    • 愛人のために購入されたことを示す契約書や領収書があればさらに有利です。
  2. 必要な書類を準備する

    • 結婚証明書
    • 夫婦の共有財産であることを証明する資料
    • 裁判所での請求に必要な書類一式




