この制度のルールは、通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条第I項 によって定められています。
(根拠条文: 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条第I項)
Article 3. Conditions to enjoy sickness the benefits
1. The employees specified under Points a, b, c, d, dd, Clause 1 and Point b, Clause 2, Article 2 of Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP shall enjoy the sickness benefits in the following cases:
- a) The employees have disease or accident which is not work accident or treatment of injury or disease recurred due to work accident, occupational disease and must take sick leave with certification from the authorized medical facility as regulated by the Ministry of Health.
- b) The employees must take leave to take care of their sick children under 07 years of age with certification of the competent medical facility.
- c) Female employees return to their work befire the expiration of maternity leave subject to one of the case specified under Point a and b of this Clause.
2. The employees are sickness not entitled to benefits in the following cases: :
- a) The employees have disease or accident and must take sick leave due to self-infliction, drunkenness or abuse of drug or drug precursor under the List issued with Decree No. 82 / 2013/ND-CP 07/19/2013 of the Government issuing the list of drug and drug precursor and Decree No. 126/2015/ND-CP dated December 9, 2015 of the Government amending and adding the list of drug and drug precursor issued with Decree No. 82/2013/ND-CP dated July 19, 2013 of the Government issuing the list of drug and drug precursor.
- b) The employees take sick leave for the first treatment due to work accident or occupational disease.
- c) The employees have disease or accident which is not work accident during their annual leave, personal leave, unpaid leave as prescribed by labor law; maternity leave under the law on social insurance.
- 一般の従業員:無期限や有期の労働契約で働く人
- 季節労働者や特定の仕事の契約社員
- 幹部、公務員、国防・警察関係の方
- 海外で働く従業員(特別な契約に基づく場合)
社会保険の傷病休業の給付を受けるためには、以下の条件を満たす必要があります。(根拠条文: 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条第I項)
次のような場合は給付を受けられません。(根拠条文: 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条第I項)
- 自傷行為、酩酊、または薬物の使用による休業
- 労働災害や職業病による初回の治療の場合
- 年次休暇や無給休暇中、または産休中の病気の場合
- 加入期間が15年未満の場合:年間最大30日
- 15年以上30年未満の場合:年間最大40日
- 30年以上の場合:年間最大60日
給付金(1日あたり)=(休業直前月の社会保険拠出給与 ÷ 24)× 75%
- 1日あたりのもとになる金額は 240,000円 ÷ 24 = 10,000円
- その75%は 10,000円 × 0.75 = 7,500円
つまり、1日休むごとに7,500円が支給されるという仕組みです。(根拠条文: 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第6条)
Article 6. Sick benefits
1. The sick benefit specified in Clause 1, Article 26 and 27 of the Law on social insurance is calculated as follows:
Sick benefit
Monthly salary paid for the social insurance of the preceding month before leave
x 75 (%) x
Number of days of leave entitled to sickness benefits
24 days
– The number of days of leave sickness entitled to benefits is calculated according to the working days including the public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.
2. The sick benefit for the employees taking leave due to disease included in the List of diseases with required long-term treatment as stipulated in Clause 2, Article 26 of the Law on social insurance is calculated as follows:
Sick benefit for disease with required long-term treatment
Monthly salary paid for the social insurance of the preceding month before sick leave
Sick benefit (%)
Number of months of leave entitled to sickness benefits
In which :
a) The sick benefit is calculated by 75% for the time of entitlement to sickness benefits of the employees in the first 180 days. After the end of entitlement to 180 days but still under treatment, the sick benefit for the next period of time is calculated as follows:
– By 65% if the employees have the social insurance payment from full 30 years or more;
– By 55% if the employees have the social insurance payment between full 15 years and under 30 years;
– By 50% if the employees have the social insurance payment under 15 years.
b) The month of leave to enjoy the sickness leave is calculated from the date of starting the leave to enjoy the sickness leave of such month to the preceding date of the preceding next month. In case of odd day for incomplete month, the calculation of sick benefit for such days is as follows:
Sick benefit for disease with required long-term treatment
The salary paid for the social insurance of the preceding month before sick leave
Sick benefit (%)
Number of days of leave entitled to sickness benefits
24 days
In which :
– The rate entitlement to sickness benefits as stipulated under Point a of this Clause.
– The number of days of leave sickness entitled to benefits including public holidays, New Year holidays and weekends.
Ex 9: Ms N is participating in the mandatory social insurance, she has to take sick leave due to suffering from disease included in the List of diseases with required long-term treatment from March 28, 2016 to June 5, 2016.
– The number of month of leave to enjoy the sickness benefits is 02 months (from March 28 to May 27, 2016);
– The number of odd days for incomplete month is 09 days (from May 28 to June 5, 2016).
3. Where the employees suffer from disease or accident which is not work accident or take leave to enjoy the benefits upon their child’s sickness right in the first month of participation in mandatory social insurance and the time of leave is from 14 working days or more in a month, the sick benefit is calculated on the monthly salary as a basis for social insurance payment of such month.
Ex 10: Ms Ch is recruited to work in a company from June 1, 2016. On June 6, 2016 , she had an accident and had to take leave for treatment by the end of June 2016. Ms Ch participates in the social insurance from her company’s registration with the monthly salary for social insurance payment as 5 million dong.
Where Ms Ch is entitled to the sickness benefits, the sick benefit is calculated on the monthly salary as 5 million dong.
4. The employees take sick leave from 14 days or more in a month, the employees and the employers do not have to pay the social insurance of such month. This period of time shall not be calculated for entitlement to social insurance.
5. During the time the employees take leave to enjoy their sickness benefits due to suffering from a disease included in the List of diseases with required long-term treatment, the employees shall enjoy the health insurance paid by the social insurance fund for the employees.
6. The sickness benefits shall not be adjusted when the Government adjusts the basic salary and regional minimum salary.
- 30年以上の場合:65%
- 15年以上30年未満の場合:55%
- 15年未満の場合:50%
- 3歳未満:年間20労働日
- 3歳以上7歳未満:年間15労働日
そして、計算方法は基本的に上と同じです。(根拠条文: 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条)
その後、会社が従業員のリストを作成し、社会保険事務所に必要書類を提出します。(根拠条文: 2014年社会保険法 第100条 第1・第2項、56/2017/TT-BYT 第21条、143/2018/ND-CP 第15条)
比較項目 | 日本の制度 | ベトナムの制度 |
制度の目的・背景 | ・業務外の病気・怪我で働けなくなった場合に所得補償を提供 ・健康保険法に基づき、健康保険組合や協会けんぽが運営【健康保険法 第100条】 | ・労働者が病気や怪我で休業する場合に所得補償を提供 ・強制社会保険の一部として導入され、国家機関(社会保険公庫)が中心に運営【社会保険法(ベトナム)】 |
対象者・適用範囲 | ・被用者保険加入者(企業勤めの従業員)が対象 ・国民健康保険加入者(自営業者等)は原則対象外 | ・労働契約期間1か月以上の強制社会保険加入者が対象 ・一部、外国人労働者も条件を満たせば対象 |
支給条件 | ・業務外の病気・怪我による労務不能で、連続3日以上の休業(4日目から支給開始) ・医師の診断書による証明が必要【健康保険法 第100条】 | ・自己の病気または7歳未満の子の病気の場合に、医療機関での診断・証明が必要 ・産休中の女性が早期復職して休業する場合も対象【通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH】 |
支給期間の上限 | ・給付日数の通算で最長1年6か月(18か月)【改正点:断続休業も合算】 | ・通常は年間最大30~60日(労働環境や加入期間により異なる) ・長期療養の場合は最長180日+延長(加入期間に依存) |
給付率(支給割合) | ・標準報酬日額の約2/3(約67%)【健康保険法 第100条】 | ・基本は給与の75%で支給 ・長期療養の場合、加入期間により50~65%に引き下げ |
給付額の計算方法 | ・休業直前12か月の平均標準報酬月額を基に、1日あたりの手当金(例:月給÷30日または算定基準に応じた方法)で算出 | ・休業直前月の給与を24労働日で割った額に75%を乗じ、日割りで計算 |
申請手続き | ・医師の診断書と会社からの証明書を添えて、健康保険組合または協会けんぽに申請 ・所定の申請書類を使用【健康保険法 第100条】 | ・医療機関での診断書を取得後、会社経由で社会保険機関へ申請 ・必要書類(診断書、退院証明書等)の提出が必要【通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH】 |
特徴 | ・長期休職にも対応可能で、制度自体はシンプル ・休業が連続しなくても、通算給付日数として管理される | ・本人の傷病だけでなく、子の看護休業も給付対象 ・年間給付日数や給付率が労働環境・加入年数で変動し、運用管理はやや複雑 |
運用の複雑さ | ・条件を満たせば一律の給付率で支給されるため比較的シンプル | ・労働環境、加入期間、疾病の種類により給付条件や日数管理が細かく設定されるため、運用面での管理が複雑 |
- 通達 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH 第3条第I項、及び第6条
- 2014年社会保険法 第100条第1・第2項
- 56/2017/TT-BYT 第21条
- 143/2018/ND-CP 第15条