- 概念:製品、商品、サービスの販売プロセスで発生した実際の費用
勘定科目(第91条第2)項 | 費用項目(第91条第1項) | 取引例「販売プロセスで!」を意識する。 |
6411 | 人件費 | – 販売スタッフの給与・手当 – 営業担当者の出張費(交通費・宿泊費) – スタッフトレーニング費用 |
6412 | 材料費および梱包費 | – 梱包材(段ボール、緩衝材など)の購入費用 – 梱包作業の人件費 – 梱包用工具費用 |
6413 | 工具および備品費 | – 販売活動に必要な小型機器や工具の購入費用 – オフィスでの文房具や日用品の購入費用 |
6414 | 固定資産減価償却費 | – 販売活動用の店舗什器や車両の減価償却費用 |
6415 | 保証費用 | – 保証修理や交換にかかる部品費用 – 保証サービス提供の人件費 – 顧客訪問や輸送費用 |
6417 | 外部サービス費 | – コールセンター利用費用 – 市場調査や販売戦略コンサルティング費用 |
6418 | その他の現金支出費用 | – プロモーション用ギフトや試供品費用 – 販売部門の日用品や文具購入費用 |
なし | 商品やサービスの提供費用 | – 顧客への商品配送費用 – サービス提供スタッフ派遣費用 – 販売商品の設置・初期設定費用 |
なし | 商品やサービスの紹介費用 | – 新製品・サービス紹介イベント開催費用 – 顧客向けデモや展示会運営費用 |
なし | 広告費用 | – テレビやインターネット広告の制作・放映費用 – ソーシャルメディア広告掲載費用 – 宣伝パンフレット印刷費用 |
なし | 販売手数料 | – 販売代理店や取次業者へのコミッション – 営業スタッフへのインセンティブ・販売成績ボーナス |
なし | 保管費用 | – 倉庫賃料 – 倉庫管理スタッフの給与 – 温湿度管理設備費用 |
なし | 運搬費用 | – 顧客への配送費用(宅配便、トラック運送など) – 商品輸送中の保険費用 – 輸出にかかる運賃・通関費用 |
Article 91. Account 641 – Selling expenses
1. Accounting principles
a) This account is used to reflect actual costs incurred in the process of selling products, goods, and providing services, including costs of offering, introducing products, advertising products, sales commissions, product and goods warranty costs (except construction activities), preservation, packaging, transportation costs, etc.
b) Sales expenses that are not considered as expenses for calculating corporate income tax according to the provisions of the Tax Law but have full invoices and vouchers and have been accounted for correctly according to the Accounting Regime shall not be recorded as a reduction in accounting expenses but only adjusted in the corporate income tax finalization to increase the amount of corporate income tax payable.
c) Account 641 is opened in detail for each cost item such as: Cost of employees, materials, packaging, tools, supplies, depreciation of fixed assets; outside services, other cash costs. Depending on the business characteristics, management requirements of each industry, each enterprise, account 641 can be opened with some additional cost items. At the end of the period, the accountant transfers the cost of goods sold to the Debit side of account 911 “Determination of business results”.
2. Structure and content of account 641 – Sales expenses
Debit: Expenses incurred in connection with the process of selling products, goods, and providing services arising during the period.
– Amount recorded as a reduction in selling expenses during the period;
– Transfer sales expenses to account 911 “Determining business results” to calculate business results for the period.
Account 641 has no ending balance.
Account 641 – Selling expenses, has 7 sub-accounts:
– Account 6411 – Employee costs: Reflects the amounts payable to sales staff, packaging, shipping, product and goods preservation staff,… including salaries, mid-shift meals, wages and deductions for social insurance, health insurance, union fees, unemployment insurance,…
– Account 6412 – Material and packaging costs: Reflects the costs of materials and packaging used for preserving and consuming products, goods and services, such as costs of packaging materials for products and goods, costs of materials and fuel used for preserving, loading and transporting products and goods during the consumption process, materials used for repairing and preserving fixed assets, etc. used for the sales department.
– Account 6413 – Cost of tools and supplies: Reflects the cost of tools and supplies serving the consumption process of products and goods such as measuring tools, calculating tools, working tools,…
– Account 6414 – Fixed asset depreciation costs: Reflects the depreciation costs of fixed assets in the storage and sales departments, such as warehouses, stores, yards, loading and unloading vehicles, transportation, calculation, measurement, quality testing equipment, etc.
– Account 6415 – Warranty costs: Used to reflect product and goods warranty costs. Construction repair and warranty costs are reflected in account 627 “General production costs” and are not reflected in this account.
– Account 6417 – Outsourced service costs: Reflects the costs of outsourced services for sales such as outsourcing costs for repairing fixed assets directly serving the sales stage, warehouse rental, yard rental, loading and unloading, transporting products and goods for sale, commissions paid to sales agents, to export consignment units, etc.
– Account 6418 – Other cash expenses: Reflects other cash expenses incurred in the sales process other than the above-mentioned expenses such as customer reception expenses in the sales department, product and goods introduction expenses, advertising, sales promotion, customer conference expenses…
- 広告宣伝費: 広告出稿費、チラシ印刷代、Web広告費など。
- 販売手数料: 販売代理店や委託業者への手数料。
- 荷造運賃: 商品発送にかかる運送費用や梱包資材の料金。
- 販売促進費: サンプル作成やキャンペーンにかかる費用。
- 接待交際費: 取引先への接待や食事代。
- 旅費交通費: 営業活動に伴う交通費や出張費。
- 「製品・商品保証費」または「商品保証引当金繰入」
- 「製品・商品保証費」という科目がなければ他の勘定科目に入れ込む
- 6415の保証費用を使う