
最近発表された(2024年1月19日)税務総局の通達(No. 257/TCT-CS)では、支払期限内に適切な手続きを行わないとVAT還付が受けられないという厳しい条件が明確化されました。つまり、契約書上5月31日が支払い期限なのに6月に支払った購入分のVATは還付されないかも?ということです。








  • 還付済みのVATについても税務当局が回収可能。

です。ホーチミン市税務局およびタイビン投資貿易株式会社に出された通達ですね。 キューバ向け輸出契約において、支払い遅延が発生したケースが報告され、VAT控除および還付が認められないという判断が下されました。


Based on the above provisions, in case the Company fails to provide payment documents for the contract or appendix of the export contract upon its payment due date, the conditions for VAT deduction and refund are not met. The Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department shall recover the refunded tax amount and handle it in accordance with the provisions of the Law on VAT and the Law on Tax Administration.

The General Department of Taxation replies to Thai Binh Investment and Trade Joint Stock Company and Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department for information and implementation./.




  • 13/2008/QH12(付加価値税法)
  • 政令 No. 209/2013/ND-CP(および改正政令)





  • 非現金支払い証明書(銀行振込の記録)。
  • 輸出品の場合、外国企業との契約書、販売請求書、税関申告書も必要。





Article 12. Input value added tax deduction

1. Business establishments paying value added tax according to the tax deduction method are entitled to deduct input value added tax as follows:

  • a) Input value-added tax of goods and services used for production and trading of goods and services subject to value-added tax is fully deductible, including uncompensated input value-added tax of lost goods and services subject to value-added tax;

2. Conditions for input value added tax deduction are prescribed as follows:

  • a) Have a value-added tax invoice for purchasing goods and services or a document proving the payment of value-added tax at the import stage;
  • b) Have non-cash payment documents for purchased goods and services, except for goods and services purchased at a time with a value of less than twenty million VND;
  • c) For exported goods and services, in addition to the conditions specified in Points a and b of this Clause, there must also be: a contract signed with a foreign party on the sale, processing of goods, provision of services; an invoice for the sale of goods and services; a non-cash payment document; and a customs declaration for exported goods.

Payment for exported goods and services in the form of clearing between exported goods and services and imported goods and services, and debt payment on behalf of the State is considered non-cash payment.”

Article 13. Cases of tax refund

2. Business establishments that export goods and services in a month or quarter and have input value-added tax that has not been deducted of three hundred million VND or more will be refunded value-added tax on a monthly, quarterly, or …”

 政令 No. 209/2013/ND-CP(政令 No. 91/2014/ND-CP、政令 No. 12/2015/ND-CP、政令 No. 146/2017/ND-CP による改正および補足)







b) Decree No. 209/2013/ND-CP dated December 18, 2013 of the Government (amended and supplemented by Decree No. 91/2014/ND-CP , Decree No. 12/2015/ND-CP , Decree No. 146/2017/ND-CP of the Government) stipulates:

– Article 9 stipulates input value added tax deduction:

“ Article 9. Input value added tax deduction

Input VAT deduction is implemented according to the provisions of Article 12 of the Law on Value Added Tax and Clause 6, Article 1 of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Value Added Tax .

2. Conditions for input VAT deduction:

b) There are non-cash payment documents for purchased and imported goods and services, except in cases where the total value of purchased and imported goods and services each time is less than 20 million VND.

For goods and services purchased on deferred payment or installment payment with a value of VND 20 million or more, business establishments shall base on the contract for purchasing goods and services, value-added invoices and non-cash payment documents of goods and services purchased on deferred payment or installment payment to declare and deduct input value-added tax. In case there is no non-cash payment document because the payment time according to the contract has not yet arrived, the business establishment shall still be allowed to declare and deduct input value-added tax.”

– Clause 3, Article 10 stipulates value added tax refund for exported goods and services:

“3. Business establishments that have exported goods and services in a month (for monthly declaration) or in a quarter (for quarterly declaration) including the following cases: Imported goods then exported to a duty-free zone; imported goods then exported abroad, with an input value-added tax amount not yet deducted of VND 300 million or more, shall be entitled to a monthly or quarterly VAT refund; in cases where the input value-added tax amount not yet deducted in a month or quarter is less than VND 300 million, it shall be deducted in the following month or quarter; in cases where there are both exported goods and services and domestically consumed goods and services, if after offsetting with the tax payable, the remaining input value-added tax amount not yet deducted on exported goods and services is VND 300 million or more, the business establishment shall be entitled to a tax refund. Business establishments must separately account for input value-added tax used for production and trading of exported goods and services. In case separate accounting is not possible, the input value-added tax shall be determined based on the ratio between the revenue of exported goods and services and the total revenue of goods and services of value-added tax declaration periods calculated from the tax declaration period following the previous tax refund period to the current tax refund request period.



公式通達 No. 1634/TCT-CS(2014年11月15日付) によると、以下のように通知されています。

  • 契約に基づく支払期限がまだ到来していないため、銀行経由の支払証明書がない場合でも、企業は引き続き仕入れVAT(付加価値税)を申告し控除(仮払い税金として計上)することができる。

  • 契約書に記載された支払期限が到来した時点で、企業がまだ顧客への支払いを行っておらず、銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない場合、企業は控除(仮払い税金として借受税金と相殺)申告されたVATの金額を調整する必要はない。

  • 実際に支払いを行う際、企業が銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない場合(現金払いまたはその他の支払い方法による支払いが行われ、VATが控除されている場合)、その支払いが行われた税期間において銀行経由の支払証明書なしで控除申請を行う必要がある。


公式通達 1634/TCT-CS

上記の規定に基づき、2014年10月1日付の政令 No. 91/2014/ND-CP が施行された2014年11月15日以降、契約に基づく支払期限がまだ到来しておらず、銀行経由の支払証明書がない場合でも、企業は仕入れVAT(付加価値税)を申告・控除することが許可される。

  • 契約で定められた支払期限が到来した時点で、企業がまだ顧客へ支払いを行っておらず、銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない場合、控除申告されたVATの金額を調整する必要はない

  • 実際に支払いを行う際、企業が銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない場合(現金払いまたはその他の形式のVATが控除された支払いが行われた場合)、その支払いが発生した税期間において、銀行経由の支払証明書なしでVAT控除額を申告・調整する必要がある。

公式通達 06/TCT-CS


  • 契約で定められた支払期限が到来した際、企業が銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない場合でも、実際の支払いが行われるまでVAT控除額を調整する必要はない。

  • 企業が銀行経由の支払証明書を持っていない状態で支払いを行う場合、その支払いが発生した税期間において、該当するVAT控除額を申告・調整しなければならない。




2018年の公式通達 28/TCT-CS を参照すると、以下のように規定されています。

公式通達 No. 28/TCT-CS(2018年)を参照:

「上記の規定に基づき、税務総局は、ロンアン省税務局の見解(公式通達 No. 1994/CT-KKT1)に同意する。以下の通りである:

税務当局が「還付不可(non-refundable)」の税に関する通知を発行した後、Binh Phu Company Limited は、規定に基づき、輸出された商品に対する未払い金額について、外国のサプライヤーへ銀行振込などの非現金決済によって支払いした

税還付申請の提出日時点までに未払いだった仕入付加価値税(VAT)の対応額について、該当日時点で条件を満たしている場合、企業は VATの申告・控除および還付を規定に従って行うことが認められる。」

