





Article 32. Part-time employments

  1. A part-time employee is an employee who works for less than the usual daily, weekly or monthly working hours as prescribed by labor laws, the collective bargaining agreement internal labor regulations.
  2. An employee may negotiate part-time employment with the employer when enter into an employment contract.
  3. The part-time employee shall be entitled to receive salary, equal rights and obligations as a full-time employee; equal opportunity and treatment, and to a safe and hygienic working environment




  • 小売業や飲食業:季節的な需要やピーク時の対応のためにパートタイマーを雇用する場合。
  • IT業界:プロジェクトベースで特定のスキルを持つ専門家を短期間雇用する場合。
  • コンサルティング:標準化した業務を短期間で実施してもらう場合。
  • 教育機関:特定の時間帯に授業を行う講師やアシスタントを雇用する場合。



  1. 契約期間と職務内容(Term and Job Contract)

    • 契約の種類
    • 契約期間
    • 勤務場所
    • 職務内容
  2. 労働条件(Working Conditions)

    • 労働時間
    • 提供される作業道具
  3. 従業員の義務と利益(Obligations and Benefits of Employee)

    • 利益
      • 通勤手段
      • 賃金と支払い方法
      • 支払い日
      • 所得税
    • 義務
      • 職務の完遂
      • 秘密情報の保持
      • 契約違反および損害賠償
  4. 雇用者の義務と権限(Obligations and Competences of Employer)

    • 義務
      • 職務の確保
      • 報酬および利益の支払い
      • 従業員の指導
  5. 実施規定(Implementation Provision)

    • 労働契約の作成部数と効力
    • 補足条項の効力





ENGLISH version


What is a Part-Time Employment Contract?

According to the Vietnamese Labor Law (45/2019/QH14), a part-time worker is defined as an employee who works fewer hours than the regular full-time hours (8 hours per day, 48 hours per week). This includes the working hours agreed upon between the employer and the employee in the labor contract.

Relevant Laws and Regulations

Regulations concerning part-time workers are based on Article 32 of the Vietnamese Labor Law (45/2019/QH14). This law ensures that part-time workers have the same rights as full-time workers in terms of working hours, wage payments, and working conditions.

Article 32. Part-Time Employments

A part-time employee is an employee who works for less than the usual daily, weekly, or monthly working hours as prescribed by labor laws, the collective bargaining agreement, or internal labor regulations. An employee may negotiate part-time employment with the employer when entering into an employment contract. The part-time employee shall be entitled to receive salary, equal rights and obligations as a full-time employee; equal opportunity and treatment, and a safe and hygienic working environment.

Source: Vietnamese Labor Law (45/2019/QH14)

Part-Time Employment Contracts

A part-time employment contract is a legal document that companies use when hiring part-time workers. It clearly defines the rights and obligations of both the employer and the employee, providing transparency and legal protection for the employment relationship. To make it more relatable, let’s consider some practical scenarios where such contracts might be used in Vietnam:

  • Retail and Food Services: Hiring part-time workers to meet seasonal demand or peak periods.
  • IT Industry: Employing specialists with specific skills on a project basis for short-term needs.
  • Consulting: Engaging professionals for standardized tasks on a short-term basis.
  • Educational Institutions: Hiring instructors or assistants to conduct classes at specific times.

Free Download of the Part-Time Employment Contract Template

The structure of a part-time employment contract template includes the following sections:

  1. Term and Job Contract
    • Type of contract
    • Contract period
    • Work location
    • Job description
  2. Working Conditions
    • Working hours
    • Provided tools and equipment
  3. Obligations and Benefits of the Employee
    • Benefits
      • Transportation
      • Wages and payment methods
      • Payment date
      • Income tax
    • Obligations
      • Job completion
      • Confidentiality
      • Breach of contract and compensation
  4. Obligations and Competences of the Employer
    • Obligations
      • Job assurance
      • Payment of wages and benefits
      • Employee supervision
  5. Implementation Provision
    • Number of contract copies and validity
    • Validity of addendums

Download the free template here!


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