今日は『みなし輸出入取引(On the spot import and export取引)の廃止の続報』というテーマでお伝えします。
>>衝撃!?みなし輸出入取引(On the spot import and export取引)の廃止案が発行【外資企業に納税義務を果たしてほしい?】
- 2023年7月31日付の3987/TCHQ-GSQL
- 2023年8月8日付の4146/TCHQ-GSQL
です。こちらについての概要を解説します。このうち3987/TCHQ-GSQLは「ベトナムに存在しない外国業者 を定義」なのでこの記事では飛ばします。
>>M-Lab_みなし輸出入取引(On the spot import and export取引)の廃止に関するOLの3987/TCHQ-GSQLと4146/TCHQ-GSQLの解説
この記事のもくじ [非表示]
今回のお話しをお伝えするためには前提の知識が必要になります。具体的には、ベトナムにおけるOn the spot Export and Import(みなし輸出入通関制度政令第08/2015/ND-CP号の第35第1項の内容をきちんと整理する必要があります。
>>ベトナムにおけるOn the spot Export and Import(みなし輸出入通関制度)の3つのパターンを図解で解説!
3. Regarding recommendations stating difficulties and problems of associations and enterprises stemming from the provisions of Point c, Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP , this point stipulates: Goods traded between Vietnamese enterprises and foreign organizations and individuals that do not have a presence in Vietnam and are assigned by foreign traders to deliver and receive goods with other enterprises in Vietnam. In order to implement this regulation, foreign traders must satisfy the condition that they do not have presence in Vietnam and fall into the case of on-spot import and export specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree No. 08/2015/ND . -CP. In case foreign traders already have a presence in Vietnam, such as having representative offices, branches, investing in establishing economic organizations; capital contribution investment, share purchase, purchase of contributed capital; implementation of investment projects; investment in the form of BCC contract; New forms of investment and economic organizations according to the Government’s regulations are not eligible for on-spot import and export specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree No. 08/2015/ND- CP .
Pursuant to the provisions of the Commercial Law, the Law on Foreign Trade Management, the transactional nature of the goods, the exported or imported goods must be brought out/into the Vietnamese territory or brought out/into the customs area. private office. For on-the-spot import-export activities, goods are bought and sold within the country, there is no movement of goods out of the border of Vietnam, this is essentially a domestic trading activity. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the overall import and export activities on the spot to propose a plan to amend and supplement to suit the nature of this transaction. The customs authority does not carry out customs procedures for this activity, and turns into a domestic trading activity managed by the domestic tax authority. The request of associations and enterprises to keep the provisions at Point c, Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CPis inconsistent with the law on commerce, the law on foreign trade management and the nature of this transaction. When removing customs procedures for goods trading activities specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP , enterprises will reduce one administrative procedure in trading activities. freight forwarding of businesses and thereby also contribute to reducing costs for businesses.
引用元:No: 4146/TCHQ-GSQL
本日は『みなし輸出入取引(On the spot import and export取引)の廃止の続報-3987/TCHQ-GSQLと4146/TCHQ-GSQLの解説』と言うテーマで解説しました。
- 定義cのみなし輸出入取引は「ベトナムに存在しない外国業者」以外は禁止
- 「ベトナムに存在しない外国業者」の定義は、駐在員事務所、支店、子会社、経済組織、出資、株式購入、投資プロジェクト、ビジネス協力契約、新しい投資形態、新しいタイプの経済組織など、すでにベトナムに進出している外国業者以外の外国業者